Function Description: Calculates the geometric intersection of input features. All overlapping features or portions of features across all feature classes will be written to the output feature class.
Data Description
Input and Output Relationships
Input and Output Relationships for Intersect
The Input Features parameter must be simple features: points, multipoints, lines, or polygons.
If the inputs have different geometries (e.g., lines on polygons, points on lines, etc.), the Output Feature Class geometry type defaults to the lowest-dimensional geometry among the Input Features. For example, if one or more inputs are points, the default output will be points; if one or more inputs are lines, the default output will be lines; if all inputs are polygons, the default output will be polygons.
The Output Type parameter can be set to either the lowest-dimensional geometry or a lower-dimensional geometry of the Input Features. For example, if all inputs are polygons, the output can be polygons, lines, or points. If any input is a line but contains no points, the output can be lines or points. If any input is a point, the Output Type value can only be points.
The attributes of the Input Features will be copied to the Output Feature Class.
- Find Toolbox -> Vector Tools -> Overlay Analysis -> Intersect tool, and double-click to open the functionality window.
Parameter Description:
- Input Features: The input feature class.
- Intersect Features: The feature class that intersects with the Input Features.
- Output Feature Class: The feature class where the results will be written.
- Add Result to Project: This option is only valid if the output feature class result is being saved to the project’s gpkg database. When checked, a layer will be automatically created for the result data and added to the project.