Accuracy statistics
Accuracy statistics can be used in projects, primarily for statistical analysis of check points, with direct output of horizontal and height RMSE.
Click 'Accuracy check' the program will pop up the precision inspection interface.
Import check Points
pick check points
Switch point cloud display mode to intensity.
Double-click the ID name to automatically jump to the position of the check point at the current zoom level. Clickto perform pick points.
After completing the pick check points, Dx, Dy, and Dy abs(XYZ) will automatically calculate the error value of this point.
Observe the RMSE value.
After three or more pick points, the software will automatically calculate the horizontal RMSE (RMSE_XY) and height RMSE (RMSE_Z), as well as the maximum and minimum error values.
Output statistical report
Click the save button to save as a TXT report