
Function Description: The export tool can export project data in various formats as input for third-party software, which can be used for data display or further data processing.


Export DXF format

1.Click the Export DXF function, and you will be prompted whether to save the baseline.

2.If you choose "Yes", the corresponding baseline and range line of the facade (if any) will be saved together. The exported DXF can be opened with CAD software.

Export Orthophoto

1.Click on the Orthophoto feature, and the Export Orthophoto dialog box will pop up as shown. The Export Orthophoto can use the Horizontal Section tool and can export the elevation, intensity, density, and RGB image of the point cloud. The exported image supports the TIF and PNG formats, and the exported image can be opened and measured in other GIS software.

2.Colorization: Whether to set the rendering color of the exported orthophoto as an option, you can customize the color bar according to the needs for export rendering.

Export by Elevation

1.Select Elevation in the Orthophoto Setting Window - Mode, and the point cloud in the 3D window will be displayed according to elevation. At the same time, the Point Cloud Color Mode Setting window on the right side of the software will pop up, and you can choose the current color bar and other settings for displaying according to elevation through the Point Cloud Color Mode Setting window.


Display by Elevation

2.After the point cloud display settings are completed, you can choose whether the exported image is colorized. If colorization is not selected, a binary image will be output.


Export Binary Image by Elevation

3.If colorization is selected, a colorized image will be output.


Export Color Image by Elevation

Export by Intensity

1.Select Intensity in the Orthophoto Setting Window - Mode, and the point cloud in the 3D window will be displayed according to intensity. At the same time, the Point Cloud Color Mode Setting window on the right side of the software will pop up, and you can choose the current color bar and other settings for displaying according to intensity through the Point Cloud Color Mode Setting window.


Display by Intensity

2.After the point cloud display settings are completed, you can choose whether the exported image is colorized. If colorization is not selected, a binary image will be output.


Export Binary Image by Intensity

3.If colorization is selected, a colorized image will be output.


Export Color Image by Intensity

Export by Point Cloud Density

1.Select Density in the Orthophoto Setting Window - Mode. Since the point cloud display mode does not have the option to display according to density, the 3D window will not change. The color bar for exporting the image according to point cloud density will be set in the Orthophoto Setting Window. If colorization is not selected, a binary image will be output.


Export Binary Image by Density

2.If colorization is selected, a colorized image will be output.


Export Color Image by Density

Export by Point Cloud RGB

1.Select RGB in the Orthophoto Setting Window - Mode. If the point cloud contains RGB information, the point cloud in the 3D window will be displayed according to RGB. If the point cloud does not contain RBG information, the software output window will give a warning prompt. After selecting RGB, the colorization option setting will be invalid, and only a colorized image containing the point cloud RBG information can be exported.


Display by RGB


Export Color Image by RGB

Note: In each mode of export, there are options to select the maximum, minimum, and average values. This setting takes effect in the mode settings for exporting by point cloud elevation and intensity.

  • Maximum: When calculating the pixel value of each pixel in the image, it is calculated according to the maximum of all point cloud elevations or intensities mapped to the current pixel.
  • Minimum: When calculating the pixel value of each pixel in the image, it is calculated according to the minimum of all point cloud elevations or intensities mapped to the current pixel.
  • Average: When calculating the pixel value of each pixel in the image, it is calculated according to the average of all point cloud elevations or intensities mapped to the current pixel.

2.Set the resolution:

  • Current Window Resolution: The aspect ratio and resolution of the output image will be exactly the same as the 3D window, and no setting is supported.

  • User-defined Resolution: The aspect ratio of the output image will be consistent with the 3D window, and the resolution of the image supports users to set the world coordinate accuracy mapped by each pixel.

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