Object Editor
1.Click the Editor button, select the category and point cloud file to be edited, then click the Start Editing
button. The point cloud in the 3D window will then be displayed according to the selected entity type ID.
2.After starting editing, the individual editing window will automatically pop up. Within this window, you can perform operations to add, delete, and reduce entities.
3.In the 3D window, click the left mouse button to draw a hexagonal editing area. At this point, the points in this area will be displayed in the individual editing window. Area Editor settings allow you to switch the shape of the area, and support translation (WASD shortcut keys), rotation (QE shortcut keys), expansion, and scaling operations.
4.Click the Load Edit Region button in the object editing window to add the points of the editing area to the memory for editing. Without loading, editing is not supported.
5.Click the Selection button in the object editing window to view the attribute information of the selected points, including 3D coordinates, GPS time, intensity, RGB, object ID, etc.
6.Create Object: In the object editing window, click the Create Object button, and create an object by selecting the point cloud of the object. At this point, the object ID of the points in the selected area will be set to the new object ID, and an object record will be automatically added to the attribute table. If you want to finely edit the point cloud of the object, you can use the [Set ID by Point Selection] and [Set ID by Frame Selection] operations.
Creating New Object
7.Setting: In the individual editing window, click the Setting button. In the setting window, by checking the box, you can display the points that need to be edited from two dimensions: category and entity ID, reduce the interference of the background point cloud on the editing process, and enhance operational convenience.
8.Delete Object: In the object editing window, click the Delete Object button. In the setting window, by checking the box, you can display the points that need to be edited from two dimensions: category and object ID, reduce the interference of the background point cloud on the editing process, and enhance operational convenience.
Deleting Object
9.Set ID by Selection: In the object editing window, click the Set ID by Selection button, select two points in succession by clicking. The ID of the object clicked first will be set to the ID of the object clicked second. It can be used to merge two point clouds in the editing area or delete a certain point cloud.
Before Setting ID by Point Selection
After Setting ID by Point Selection
10.Set ID by Frame Selection: In the object editing window, click the Set ID by Frame Selection button, first select a part of the points by framing, then click an object (or non-object point), and the object ID of the points in the frame will be set to the clicked object ID. It can be used for point refinement and point deletion by framing.
Before setting ID in the box
After checking the Set ID box
11.Undo: In the object editing window, click the Undo button to revert to the previous step, supports "Ctrl+Z" shortcut key.
12.Redo: In the object editing window, click the Redo button to restore to the next step, supports "Ctrl+Y" shortcut key.
13.Save: In the object editing window, click the Save button to save the editing to a file, the 3D view on the left will refresh the result, supports "Ctrl+Shift+S" shortcut key.