Layer Manager

Layer Explanation: Used to manage different types of data. Based on geometric shapes, it can be categorized into three main types: point layers, line layers and polygon layers. For example, VirtualLaneCenterline, LaneLines, and Stopline belong to line layers, while Trafficlight and SurveillanceCameras belong to point layers, and ForbidLine and Crosswalk belong to polygon layers.

Note: Point vector features can only be saved in point layers, and line vector features and polygon vector features should be saved in line layers and polygon layers, respectively.

Description: The Layer Manager module has the following functions:

(1) Switching the currently active layer;

(2) Setting the line type, line width, and color of the layer;

(3) Adding custom layers;

(4) Configuring the attribute fields of the layer.

You can also switch the current layer by left-clicking on the layer node in the directory tree.


Layer Manager Interface


1.Layer Selection: Click the drop-down arrow next to the Layer Name in the Layer Manager to select the layer you want to switch to.


Layer Switching Interface

2.Layer Attribute Settings:

  • Vector Color Setting: Click the Line Color in the Layer Manager to open the color palette. You can choose from the Basic colors or Custom colors.


    Line Color Setting Interface

  • Vector Line Type Setting: Click the drop-down arrow next to Line Style to switch to the desired line type.


    Layer Line Type Setting Interface

  • Vector Line Width Setting: Click the adjustment button next to Line Width to set the line width.

3.Add Layer: Click the Add Layer button to open the dialog for adding a custom layer.


Add Layer Interface

Parameter Settings:

  • Set the Layer Name: Enter the name of the layer. It is recommended to use a combination of characters and numbers and avoid special characters.
  • Select Layer Type: Based on the geometric features of the vector features (point, line, polygon, annotation), select the geometry type for the custom layer.
  • OK: After clicking, the corresponding layer will be created based on the settings, and the Custom Layer Node Tree will be updated in real-time.
  • Cancel: Cancel creating a new layer.

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