
Function Description: This tool allows the user to quickly draw elements with the same structure arranged at equal intervals.


1.As shown in the figure below, the side facade windows are arranged nearly equally spaced and have the same window structure.

2.At this point, you can use the "Array" button. Activating the tool, box select the objects that need to be arrayed with the left click, and then click "Enter" to combine them. As the figure shown below, click left mouse button to drag a box. The first point is the starting point, and the second point is the first point that needs to be copied. You can re-pull the box several times to select the position. After determining the length and width of the box, click "Enter" to lock it.

3.Drag the mouse in the direction of the box or in the opposite direction until all the arrays are completed. And double-click the mouse to complete the array. This enables you to draw a whole wall of windows and their interior elements very quickly.

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