Blur Plates And Face

Function Description: De-privatise images within the current project image list, such as licence plates and faces.


1.Click the Blur Plates And Face button to bring up a dialogue box:

Parameter descriptions

  • Processing method: There are two ways of processing, automatic means AI-based way to fully automatic image de-privacy, de-privacy location for the face and licence plate; designated area means you can enter a mask image, all images will be mask range of all the private
  • Processing Type: This option can be set in the automatic mode, it refers to the use of GPU or CPU processing, when the computer performance is better, it is recommended to use the GPU mode
  • Mask: This option can be set in the specified way, you need to enter an external mask image, the general mask image should be the same as the resolution and size of the image to be processed, the position of the mask needs to be set to black, do not need to be set to the position of the mask is set to white, as follows
  • Range: This option can be set in both ways to specify the number of pictures to be processed automatically. The value box on the left side of the window is the starting picture number and the value box on the right side is the ending picture number, and the default range is from the first to the last picture.

2.After selecting the range of images that need to be de-privatized in the pop-up dialogue box, click OK to select whether to overwrite the images within the current project:

3.If you select "Yes", the image columns in the current project will be overwritten directly, otherwise the software will automatically create an image list file of the same name with the suffix "_Blur" within the current image file, and a new folder for storing the image pictures will be created in the same naming The folder where the images are stored will also be created with the same naming.

4.If you select "No", i.e. not to overwrite the images in the current project, if the current image list has already been processed by the de-privacy function, the software will prompt you whether to overwrite it or not, if you need to overwrite it, the image list that has been processed by the de-privacy function in the last time will be overwritten.

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