Attribute Table

The Attribute Table is an important component of LiDAR360MLS software that allows you to view and edit attribute information in vector datasets. It can display various types of data, including attributes of point, line, and polygon features.

Overall Interface

As shown below, the title in the top left corner displays the layer name. The toolbar below includes commonly used operation buttons such as adding or deleting fields, exporting images, and the field calculator. The rectangular area below the toolbar displays attribute information, where the FID column shows the unique identifier of the feature in the database, usually as an integer; the Shape column, which is only present in vector layers, displays the geometry type of the layer. The status bar at the bottom includes a dropdown on the left to switch between display modes, including showing all features or only selected features. The panel on the right provides a visual summary of the total number of features and the number of currently selected features.


Attribute Table Description

  1. Opening the Attribute Table

    (1) Right-click on any vector layer or table layer in the directory tree and select "Attribute Table" to open it.

    (2) The Attribute Table will be displayed as a docked window on the right side of the software.

  2. Selecting Rows: Click on the number column on the left to quickly select a row. Use CTRL to select multiple non-contiguous rows and SHIFT to select multiple contiguous rows.

    To select all rows, click directly on the blank area in the top left corner of the Attribute Table.

  3. Deleting Rows: After selecting rows, right-click and choose "Delete Selected Rows."

  4. Editing Attribute Information: You can edit feature attribute information in the Attribute Table. To edit attribute information, perform the following steps:

    (1) Select a feature in the Attribute Table.

    (2) Click any cell in the row of the feature to enter edit mode.

    (3) Edit the attribute values of the feature.

    (4) To undo changes, use Ctrl+Z; to redo changes, use Ctrl+Y.

  5. Adding Fields: You can add new attribute fields to the vector dataset by adding fields. Specify the type and length for each field. The steps to add a field are as follows:

    (1) Click the button on the toolbar to open the "Add Field" dialog.

    (2) In the "Add Field" dialog, enter the name, type, and length of the new field. You can choose from the following field types:

    • Short Integer: For storing short integer data.
    • Long Integer: For storing long integer data.
    • Float: For storing 32-bit floating-point data.
    • Double: For storing 64-bit floating-point data.
    • Text: For storing text data.
    • Date: For storing date data.

    (3) Click OK to add the new field.

    Shortcut keys Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Y are supported for undo/redo.

  6. Deleting Fields: To delete an attribute field, perform the following steps:

    (1) Click the column header of the field you want to delete to select the entire field.

    (2) Click the button on the toolbar.

    FID and Shape are auxiliary information columns and cannot be deleted. Attributes required by built-in layers (such as Type, Image, ImageName) cannot be deleted. Shortcut keys Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Y are supported for undo/redo.

  7. Deleting Rows: Select a row in the Attribute Table and click the button on the toolbar to delete the row.

  8. Select by Attribute: Click the button on the toolbar to open the Select by Attribute dialog. For detailed operations, refer to Select by Attribute.

  9. Field Calculator: Click the button on the toolbar to open the Field Calculator dialog. For detailed operations, refer to Field Calculator.

  10. Export Attribute Table: Click the button on the toolbar to open the export dialog, where you can select fields to export, file types, and output paths.

  11. Add XYZ Coordinates: Click the button on the toolbar to add x, y, and z coordinate fields to the current table.

  12. Add Longitude, Latitude, and Elevation: Click the button on the toolbar to add longitude, latitude, and elevation fields to the current table.

  13. Export Images: In the Attribute Table, you can export images stored in the Image field as PNG format. The saved PNG files default to using the ImageName field value as the file name. The steps are as follows:

    (1) Click the button on the toolbar to open the folder path selection dialog.

    (2) After selecting the folder to save, click Select Folder.

    Currently, image export only supports point layers. Other types of layers are not supported. Additionally, if ImageName or Image fields are empty, it will prompt an export failure.

  14. Close Attribute Table: To close the Attribute Table, perform the following steps:

    (1) Click the “X” button in the top right corner of the window.

    (2) Right-click on the tab at the bottom of the Attribute Table to access the following close options:

    • Close Current Attribute Table: Close only the currently selected Attribute Table.
    • Close Non-Current Attribute Tables: Close all Attribute Tables except the current one.
    • Close All Attribute Tables on the Left: Close all Attribute Tables to the left of the current Attribute Table.
    • Close All Attribute Tables on the Right: Close all Attribute Tables to the right of the current Attribute Table.
  15. Right-Click Functions

    (1) For a selected column, the following right-click menu options are available:

    • Sort Ascending: Sort the Attribute Table in ascending order based on the selected field.
    • Sort Descending: Sort the Attribute Table in descending order based on the selected field.
    • Organize Columns: Control the visibility of column headers.
    • Hide Column: Hide the currently selected column.
    • Check for Duplicates: Highlight all rows with the same attribute value in the current column.
    • Check for Invalid Values: Highlight all rows with invalid characters (mainly for text fields) in the current column.
    • Copy: Copy the contents of the current column to the clipboard.
    • Paste: Paste the contents of the clipboard into the current column.
    • Properties: Display basic property information of the current column, including field type, length, etc.
    • Generate NanoID: Generate a unique identifier.

    (2) For a selected row, the following right-click menu options are available:

    • Delete Selected Content: Delete the current row.
    • Copy to Current Layer: Copy the selected vector to the current layer.
    • Copy to Other Layers: Copy the selected vector to other layers.
  16. Paste Excel Table Content

    Copy several cells from an Excel table, select a cell in the Attribute Table, and paste starting from that cell. The paste operation follows row and column order, and any overflow will be automatically ignored.

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