Colorize Point Cloud

Function Description: Point cloud colorization is based on point clouds and images to provide color information for the point clouds. It supports panoramic and multi-plane cameras, and a detailed introduction will be given below.


  1. Click Colorize Point Cloud. The interface settings are as follows:

  2. After setting the parameters, click OK to assign the point cloud color.

  3. After the point cloud is colored, a pop-up window asks "replace data or change project".
    • Replace data: Overwrite the original point cloud data.
    • change project: Retain the original point cloud and modify the project file. Change the point cloud path in the project file to the new color point cloud path, and the result is in the original point cloud sibling directory. The new point cloud file name is 'original-filename-colorized'.

Mask File


  • Make: It is used to mask the wrong pixels such as the capture device and the collector in the scene. During the coloring process, the black area on the mask does not participate in the coloring, and the pixels in the white area participate in the coloring.

  • Function: It is a photo file composed of black and white and scaled in the same proportion of the resolution as the original photo. The specific generation method is to use black filling for the acquisition equipment on the image and the area where the collector is located. The rest of the normal pixel area, filled with white.

Parameter Settings

  • Mask File: Check Mask Path to activate. Uncheck the mask file and all areas of the image will participate in the coloring.

  • Mode:

    • Colorize by Time: Select photos by closest time to color.
    • Colorize by Distance: Select photos by closest distance to color.
    • Use Depth Map : It is used to solve occlusion problems in coloring, such as street lights being assigned to the ground behind them. This option increases the assignment duration and only supports the distance assignment mode based on panoramic images.
  • Camera Option: Select the camera image data used for coloring, and you can select a panoramic camera or a flat camera. For planar cameras, you can select any one or more.

  • Image Span: It is used for thinning of photos, and the photos are extracted at equal intervals for coloring. The larger the spacing setting, the fewer photos will be colored.

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