Raster Layer
Function Description: Manage user's raster data.
Root Node Right-Click Menu
Root node right-click menu for raster layer
- Add Layer: Add a custom vector layer.
- Zoom to Layer: Zoom to the center of the window to display all vectors.
- Remove All: Delete all vector data.
Layer Right-Click Single Selection Menu
Right-click menu for single selection of raster layer
- Information: Display basic information about the image, including width, height, number of bands, statistics, etc.
- Open Folder: Open the folder where the image is located.
- Show Histogram: Delete the histogram of the image.
- Zoom to Layer: Zoom to the extent of the current layer.
- Zoom to Native Resolution: Display the image at its original resolution 1:1.
- Remove Layer: Remove the layer.
Layer Right-Click Multi-Selection Menu
- Remove Layer: Delete the selected layers.
Right-click menu for multi-selection of raster layer