Accuracy Check
1.Click the dropdown button to the right of the Report panel. In the dropdown menu that appears, click the Accuracy Checkbutton. The Accuracy Check dialog will pop up.
Accuracy Check
2.Click the Load Pointsbutton to import the check point file.
3.Puncture points: Switch the point cloud display mode to Display by Intensity, double-click the check point ID name to automatically jump to the check point's location at the current zoom level. Click thebutton to perform Puncturing. After Puncturing, the software will automatically calculate the error values Dx, Dy, Dz, and abs(XYZ) for each point.
Accuracy Check_Error Values
4.Observing the Mean Error Values: After Puncturing three or more points, the software will automatically calculate the horizontal RMSE (RMSE_XY), elevation RMSE (RMSE_Z), as well as the maximum and minimum error values.
Accuracy Check_Mean Error Values
5.Output Statistical Report: Click the Savebutton, and the software will save the report as Report.txt.