Copy Raster

Function Description: Saves a copy of the raster dataset.

Data Description

  • You can save the output as a copy in ERDAS IMAGINE, JPEG, or TIFF format.

  • This tool is used to scale pixel types from one bit depth to another. When scaling pixel depth, the raster will display the same bit depth, while the values are scaled to the specified new bit depth.

  • When storing a raster dataset as a JPEG format file, you can specify the corresponding Compression Type and Compression Quality values.

  • The Pixel Type parameter determines the bit depth of the output raster dataset. When selecting a different pixel type, the scaling of raster values will be adjusted accordingly. If the pixel type's range is reduced, raster values outside the effective range of the new bit depth will be truncated and lost.

  • Based on the selected Raster Pixel Type, the tool will automatically initialize a corresponding NoData value for the Output Raster by default.


Locate the Copy Raster tool under Raster Tools in the toolbox, and double-click to open the tool's window.


Copy Raster

Parameter Description:

  • Input Raster: The raster dataset to be copied.
  • Raster Pixel Type: Specifies the bit depth or radiometric resolution to be used for the raster dataset.
    • 8-bit unsigned — The pixel type will be an 8-bit unsigned data type. The supported value range is from 0 to 255.
    • 16-bit unsigned — The pixel type will be a 16-bit unsigned data type. The value range is from 0 to 65,535.
    • 16-bit signed — The pixel type will be a 16-bit signed data type. The value range is from -32,768 to 32,767.
    • 32-bit unsigned — The pixel type will be a 32-bit unsigned data type. The value range is from 0 to 4,294,967,295.
    • 32-bit signed — The pixel type will be a 32-bit signed data type. The value range is from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
    • 64-bit unsigned — The pixel type will be a 64-bit unsigned data type.
    • 64-bit signed — The pixel type will be a 64-bit signed data type.
    • 32-bit floating point — The pixel type will be a 32-bit floating point data type that supports decimal values.
    • 64-bit floating point — The pixel type will be a 64-bit floating point data type that supports decimal values.
  • Compression Type: The compression method for internally chunked storage of raster data. Typically, different data formats will automatically apply various compression methods by default.
  • Quality (1-100): Effective when the compression type is JPEG. You can input a value from 1 to 100 to control the quality of the data compression; higher values indicate higher quality.
  • Output Raster Dataset: The name and format of the raster dataset to be created.
    • .img - ERDAS IMAGINE
    • .jpg - JPEG
    • .tif - TIFF

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