Panorama Parsing

Function Description:Parse the panorama camera of the currently activated project to generate \*.jpg files. Additionally, generate the panorama camera file (*ladybug_caminfo.txt*), which is used for point cloud and panorama image overlay display, as well as color mapping. The corresponding image files will be created.


1.Click the Panorama Parsing button in the Tools group , which will bring up the Panorama Parsing dialog box. Click OK to start parsing the panorama images.


Panorama Parsing


  • Image Folder: The directory containing the source data of planar images in *.pgr format.
  • Thinning By Distance: Thins out the parsed photos based on the distance interval of the camera shots.
  • Resolution: The software supports three resolution options: 8192×4096, 4096×2048, and 2048×1024.

Note: To run this function, the currently activated project must have a planar camera set.

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