Clearance Analysis

Function Description: This feature is used to calculate whether there are obstructions on the selected path. After selecting the template and analysis path, the analysis will mark the points within the clearance area as target classes, and the vector line will be marked in red. It supports the output of reports. A detailed introduction will be provided below.


1.Click the Clearance Analysis button, and the Clearance Analysis Dialog Box pops up.


2.Select the input file and point cloud class.

3.Select the vector lines involved in the calculation.

Parameter Description:

  • Select: Select the point cloud file to participate in the calculation.
  • From Class: The class involved in obstruction calculation.
  • To Class: If a point is obstructed, its class is set to the target class.
  • Vector Line: Select the vector line to participate in the calculation.
  • Base line: It includes three modes: trajectory segment selection, existing vector line selection, and custom drawing line.
  • Parameter: The distance between two display slices.

Note: The slice position is not the actual vector node position.It is only used for display.

  • Unselected state

  • Selected state

  • Default Value: Click this button to restore all parameter defaults.

4.Choose the baseline (trajectory, vector line, custom line).

  • Select on Trajectory: A trajectory file must be loaded when you creat a new project, and then click at the start position of the trajectory segment to be selected. Move the mouse and the trajectory will be selected in real-time. Click at the position where you want to end the selection, and then you can select a segment of the trajectory as the baseline. Multiple segments can be selected.

Observation point selection trajectory

  • Pick Base Line: Choose one or more existing vector lines as the baseline.


    Observation point selection vector line

  • Draw Base Line: After selecting the custom line, you can draw a temporary vector line at the position to be analyzed as a reference line.


Observation point selection custom line

5.Choose a template (rectangle, trapezoid, circle, custom) and set parameters. Then click OK.

  • Rectangle:

    • If the center is not checked: the middle point of the bottom edge of the rectangle is the specified center position.

    • If the center is checked: the geometric center of the rectangle is the specified center

    • Height: It is used to set the height of the analysis area rectangle.

    • Width: It is used to set the width of the analysis area rectangle.

    • Lateral offset: With the selected baseline as the reference line, it means the horizontal distance between the specified center position of the rectangle and the reference line. The left side of the forward direction of the reference line is a negative value, and the right side is a positive value.

    • Vertical offset: With the selected baseline as the reference line, it means the vertical distance between the specified center position of the rectangle and the reference line. Above the reference line (Z-axis) is positive and below is negative.

  • Trapezoid:

    • If the center is not checked: the middle point of the bottom edge of the trapezoid is the specified center position.

    • If the center is checked: the geometric center of the trapezoid is the specified center position.

    • Height: Similar to Rectangle Mode.

    • Upper Base Length: Used to set the width of the analysis area trapezoid.

    • Bottom base leneth: Used to set the width of the analysis area trapezoid.

    • Lateral offset: Same as rectangle.

    • Vertical offset: Same as rectangle.

  • Circle:

    • If the center is not checked: the lowest position of the circle is the specified center position.

    • If the center is checked: the center of the circle is the specified center position.

    • Radius: The radius of the circle mode.

    • Lateral offset: Same as rectangle.

    • Vertical offset: Same as rectangle.

  • Custom: Select a point on any vector line (generally select the current baseline in business). The profile window will display the profile along the tangent direction, and you can draw a template polygon in this window.


Window parameters are as follows:

  • Half Width: The half width of the point cloud profile display.

  • Half Thickness: The half thickness of the point cloud profile display.

  • Length: The upper left corner of the window will display the distance between the current point and the last point in real time.

  • Accept: Accept the drawn result.

  • Reject: Reject the drawn result.

  • Center: Refer to the three modes above.

  • Podetium: If it is not selected, the clearance area will be displayed as a slice. If selected, it will be displayed as a cylinder.


Before enabling clearance analysis


After selecting the template and setting parameters


Result after analysis

6.After the analysis is over, the view will automatically jump to the top view of the selected area, and a report folder is automatically generated. The report folder is in the same directory as the current project file, and the naming rule is: project name + Report.


Report Folder

results matching ""

    No results matching ""