Visual Analysis

Function Description: This tool allows you to analyze the visible areas of selected point cloud categories within a specified observation range from an observation point.


1.Click on the Visual Analysis OpenPointCloud button. The visibility analysis settings window will appear on the right side of the software, as shown below:


Visibility Analysis Settings Window

2.You can select the observation point by left-clicking in the 3D view. After selecting the observation point, you can preview the observation range by moving the mouse. Once the range is set, double-click the left mouse button to confirm the observation range. In addition, the view distance and the height of the observation point can be reselected according to the requirements. See the example below:


Selecting the observation point and observation range

3.If the observation point is selected incorrectly, you can click the "Repick Start Point" button in the visibility analysis settings window to choose a new observation point or click the "Repick End Point" button to choose a new endpoint for the observation range. Once the observation point and observation range are finalized, the next step is to select the point cloud vegetation type and point cloud building type in the settings window. You can also set the grid size and point cloud subsampling factor for the calculation. After setting all the parameters, click on the "Compute Visibility Area" button. Once the progress reaches 100%, the 3D view will display the computed visibility results. See the example below:


Calculation range and results

4.You can hide the calculation range by unchecking the Preview Calculation Range option in the settings window to only display the computed results. You can also toggle the visibility of the results by checking or unchecking the "Show Results" option. See the example below:


Computed results

results matching ""

    No results matching ""