New MLS Project by *.live File
1.New Mobile Project (*.mscan)
Click the File button in the upper left corner of the startup page. Then, click the Mobilebutton in the Create Georeference Project panel, which will open the New Mobile Project dialog. Users can choose the storage path for the MLS project, which is named with the current time by default.
New Mobile Project
The software also supports New Mobile Project by clicking the button on the Start Page.
New Mobile Project
2.Import *.live File
Click button in the upper left corner of the software main interface. This will open the Project File dialog. Select the *.live file and click the Open button.
Project File
The software also supports importing *.ligeo and *.liscan files, and supports drag-and-drop file import mode.
Drag and Drop File
3.Click the OK button, users can see the Project window in the software. The directory tree will automatically generate the *.liscan project.
Directory Tree - Active Project