Select by Attributes

Function Description: Selects data from the attribute table that matches certain conditions by filtering attribute values.


1.Open the attribute table of the feature class or table. Click Select by Attributes in the top toolbar to open the Select by Attributes dialog, as shown below:


2.Select Type: Choose an operation from the dropdown menu, as shown below:

  1. Remove from Current Selection: Deselect rows that meet the conditions from the currently selected rows.
  2. New Selection: Deselect all selected rows and reselect rows that meet the conditions.
  3. Add to Current Selection: Keep the currently selected rows unchanged and add rows that meet the conditions.

3.Expression: You can save the edited conditions locally for reuse.

  1. Load: Read the saved expressions and restore them to the dialog.
  2. Save: Save the current expressions in the dialog locally for reuse.
  3. Clear: Clear the current expressions in the dialog and re-edit.

4.Create Expression: Click "Add Clause" at the bottom of the table to add new filtering clause and edit the expression, as shown below:


Each clause includes: Control Options, Field Selection, Logical Operators, and Values.

Control Options: There are three options: where, And, Or

1.where: The default condition.

2.And: Conditions that must be satisfied.

3.Or: Conditions that can be optionally satisfied.


Field Selection: Fields in the current table.


Logical Operators: Choose a logical operator to form the condition.


Value: The value corresponding to the field.

5.Invert Expression: Invert the condition for filtering, e.g., greater than becomes less than, equal becomes not equal.

Expression Example and Explanation


As shown in the figure, the expression means: Add rows in the current table where Field MCode equals '11' and Field Width is greater than '5', or Field SCode equals '0' to the current selection. Click Apply or OK, and the selection result is as shown below:


results matching ""

    No results matching ""