Start Page

Function Description: As the default home page after the software starts, it provides functions such as accessing recent projects, creating new projects, accessing help and learning resources.

1.The entire interface is shown in the following image:

Project Management
2.The start page can be closed by clicking the close button next to the title. If you need to open it again, you can do so by using the Launch Page checkbox in the display page.
Project Management

3.Recent News: Display software update information, including new modules and features, as well as improvements of existing features.

4.Resources: Provide functions such as submitting requirements, reporting bugs, downloading deep learning applications, frequently asked questions, checking for updates, and accessing the company's website.

5.New: Provide three ways to create a new project:

(1)Click the New Project button on the left side to open the dialog for creating a new project, similar to the File-New Project function.

(2)Click on one of the recent templates below New from Template to create a project based on the selected template, similar to the File-New from Template function.

(3) Click the Open Project button on the right side to open the browse dialog. Select a template file and create a project based on the selected template, similar to the File-Open Project function.

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