- Click the Weed
button in vector editing.
- A Settings Dialog will pop up.

Settings Dialog
Parameter Description:
Deflection Angle: Describes the degree of curvature of the polyline segment. Vertices with an angle less than the set value are considered to be part of a straight section and will be simplified.
Deflection Angle Illustration
Minimum Distance: If the distance between two connected points on the vector is less than the set minimum distance, they will be simplified.
Minimum distance is mainly used to remove small acute vertices.
Maximum Distance: If the distance between two connected points on the vector is greater than the set maximum distance, they will be retained.
Maximum distance is mainly used to prevent excessive simplification and can be adjusted as needed based on results.
Default Values: Reset parameters to their default values.
Left-click on the vector that needs simplification (supports Ctrl + Z for undo).

Original Vector

Simplification Result
In this case, Point 1 is retained due to the maximum distance setting; Point 2 is retained because its deflection angle exceeds the set value. The remaining points that were simplified are all within the set range.