This function allows specifying a particular tree as a reference point, designating a direction as the north, constructing a polar coordinate system, and then calculating the azimuth angle and horizontal distance.
1.Click on Azimuthbutton, pop-up azimuth toolbar, and settings window:
Function description
- Set north: Specify the north direction, providing X, Y, and custom modes. In the custom mode, determine the north direction by drawing two points.
- Set reference tree: Select a single tree seed point as the reference tree.
- Calculate: After completing the orientation and reference tree settings, you can calculate the azimuth angle and horizontal distance for all single tree seed points and fill them in the respective fields.
- Clear: Used to reset the north direction and reference tree, simultaneously clearing the azimuth angle and horizontal distance values for seed points.
- Exit: Exit function
2.First, click on the "Set Reference Point" button. Then, in the azimuth dialog, choose the direction as needed. Next, select a seed point as a reference. In the azimuth dialog, locate the parameter tree's ID. Finally, click on "Calculate."
3.After the calculation is complete, select the tree layer in the directory, right-click to open the dropdown menu, then click on "Attribute Table." In the table, select a seed point. You can find the azimuth and angle from the reference point to the selected seed point, and the result values will be stored in the corresponding fields.