Create Transformation Relationship

Function Description: The user can define and edit a variety of transformation relationships that can be saved to a history file for the user to reuse. These transformation relationships can be defined during "transformation relationship calculations" as well as when importing data.

1ppm = 0.001‰ is defined as one part per million (1 PPM)

Supported conversion relationship:

  • Four parameters:
    • Translation parameter Dx (meter, default value: 0).
    • Translation parameter Dy (meter, default value: 0).
    • Rotation parameter Theta (second, default value: 0).
    • Zoom ratio t (default value: 1.0).
    • Elevation fitting: You can check whether to carry out elevation fitting. If elevation fitting is checked, you need to select predefined elevation fitting parameters from the drop-down list.

      Note: When converting with Dx -0, Dy -0, Theta = 0, t = 1.0, the original paint cloud will be obtained.


The four-parameter formula can be written as follows:


It can be solved according to the following formula:

  • Seven parameters: The seven parameters in the Bursa model.
    • Translation parameter Dx (meter, default value: 0).
    • Translation parameter Dy (meter, default value: 0).
    • Translation parameter Dz (meter, default value: 0).
    • Rotation parameter Rx (meter, default value: 0).
    • Rotation parameter Ry (meter, default value: 0).
    • Rotation parameter Rz (meter, default value: 0).
    • Zoom ratio m (ppm).

      Note: The scale m in the seven parameters is different from the scale t in the four parameters. The two can be transformed into each other. The conversion relationship is m = (t - 1.0) 1e6. Assuming t is 0.9999988, then m = (0.9999988-1.0) 1e6 = -1.2.


The formula of Bursa's seven parameters can be written as follows:


The seven-parameter model can be converted into 3D affine transformation parameters, and the conversion relationship is:

Dx = Dx;

Dy = Dy;

Dz = Dz;

Rx(″) = Rx(″);

Rx(″) = Rx(″);

Rx(″) = Rx(″);

Mx(ppm) = m(ppm);

My(ppm) = m(ppm);

Mz(ppm) = m(ppm);

  • 3D affine transformation:
  • Dx, Dy, Dz (m, default value is "0"): Values (panning values) added to X, Y, Z.
  • Mx, My, Mz (ppm, default value is "0"): Scale factors applied to X, Y, and Z. It has the same definition as the scale factor m in the seven parameters.
  • Rx, Ry, Rz (second, default value is "0"): The angle of rotation about the X, Y, and Z axes in degrees.

    Tips: the number of digits after The decimal point must be at least 8 in oder to reach mm-level accuracy.

  • Four parameters (displayed as two-dimensional transformation parameters): Two-dimensional transformation parameters, also known as XYMultiply.

Two-dimensional transformation parameters can be expressed in the following formula:


Among them, Px, Py, Pz, a, b, c, d, e are the transformation parameters, Sx, Sy, Sz are the original coordinates, and X, Y, Z are the transformed coordinates. This is often used as a 2D Helmert transformation. The parameters can be converted from four parameters. Assuming that the four parameters are: Dx, Dy, theta, t, the conversion method is:

Px = Dx;

Px = Dy;

Pz = 0.0;

Define k = t;

Define tRad = theta / 3600.0 / 180 * PI;


a = k * cos(tRad);

b = -k * sin(tRad);

c = k * sin(tRad);

d = k * cos(tRad);

e = 1.0;

  • Linear transformation: The linear transformation is used to pan and zoom a point cloud. A panning parameter and a scaling parameter need to be set to the X, Y, Z coordinates, respectively.

Linear transformation is calculated using the following formula:


Among them: Sx, Sy. Sz are the scaling factors for the x, y, and z coordinates. Px, Py, and Pz are the panning parameters for the x, y, and z coordinates. x, y, and z are the original coordinates, and X, Y, and Z are coordinates obtained after the linear transformation.

  • Elevation fitting parameter: It is used to calculate elevation anomalies when xy is known, and then correct Z.
    • Plane fitting. The plane fitting formula is ζ = a0 + a1x + a2y; It contains three parameters a0-a2.
    • Linear interpolation. The linear interpolation formula is ζ = a0 + a1x + a2x² + a3x³; It contains four parameters a0-a3.
    • Conicoid Fitting. ζ = a0 + a1x + a2y + a3xy + a4x² + a5y²; It contains six parameters a0-a5.
    • The formula for the Fitting of the Cubic Bézier Curve and Surface is ζ = a0 + a1x + a2y + a3xy + a4x² + a5y² + a6x²y + a7xy² + a8x³ + a9y³; It contains ten parameters a0-a9.
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