Table Layer

Description: Manage user-defined table layers (without geometry information).

Root Node Right-Click Menu


Root node right-click menu for table layer

  • lmport Tables: Pop up a dialog to select the table file (.dbf, .csv) you want to import, and import it into the table.

  • Export Tables: Pop up a dialog to select the table file you want to export, then choose the export format (.dbf, .csv), select the output path, and export the desired table file.

  • Add Table: Add a table layer.

  • Remove All: Delete all table layers.

Layer Right-Click Single Selection Menu


Right-click menu for single selection of table layer

  • lmport Tables: Pop up a dialog to select the table file (.dbf, .csv) you want to import and import it into the table.

  • Export Tables: Pop up a dialog to select the table file you want to export, then choose the export format (.dbf, .csv), select the output path, and export the desired table file.

  • Remove All: Select "Remove All" and clear all contents in the table.

  • Attribute Table: Select "Attribute Table" opens the attribute table interface, where users can add or delete fields, add or delete records, and edit attribute values.

  • Remove Layer: Select "Remove Layer" to remove the current table from the directory tree.

  • Rename Layer: Modify the name of the layer. Alternatively, you can press F11 to rename it.

Layer Right-Click Multi-Selection Menu


Right-click menu for multi-selection of table layer

  • Remove All: Clear all records in the selected layers.

  • Remove Layer: Remove the selected layers from the directory tree.

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