Road Surface Module FAQ

Create TIN

  1. [Warning] "Too few key points, cannot create a TIN struct"
    • Warning Reason: The number of key points is too few, resulting in the failure to create a TIN.
    • Solution: Ensure that the selected layer or area has at least 3 key points.
  2. [Warning] "No object in selected layer"
    • Warning Reason: There are no objects in the selected vector layer, leading to the failure to read key points.
    • Solution: Ensure that there is at least one object in the selected layer or area.

Vehicle Passability Analysis

  1. [Warning] "Failed to load simulation file"
    • Warning Reason: The simulation file is corrupted.
    • Solution: Recreate a new passability analysis to regenerate the simulation file.

Based on Point Cloud

  1. [Warning] "A layer with the same name already exists"
    • Warning Reason: The raster image has the same name, causing the addition to the project to fail.
    • Solution: Change the name or remove the existing raster with the same name.
  2. [Error] "Unable to open raster: ..."
    • Warning Reason: The raster image is corrupted, causing the addition to the project to fail.
    • Solution: Regenerate the raster image.

Based on TIN

  1. [Warning] "A layer with the same name already exists"
    • Warning Reason: The raster image has the same name, causing the addition to the project to fail.
    • Solution: Change the name or remove the existing raster with the same name.
  2. [Warning] "No 'Road Pavement' exists"
    • Warning Reason: There is no valid Road Pavement model scene available.
    • Solution: Use road surface grid points and the create TIN function in advance to create the road surface model.
  3. [Error] "Unable to open raster: ..."
    • Warning Reason: The raster image is corrupted, causing the addition to the project to fail.
    • Solution: Regenerate the raster image.

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