Vector and Raster Toolbox FAQ

File Type Error

1.[error]: Input encode is null.

error cause: The input encoding format is empty.

solution: Check the incoming file encoding format.

2.[error]: Input dxf path is null.

error cause: The input dxf file path is empty.

solution: Check whether the path of the input Auto CAD dxf format file is valid.

Table Error

1.[error]: Index of the row in which the table header resides parameter must be greater than 0.

error cause: The index parameter of the row where the header is located must be greater than 0.

solution: Check whether the incoming line number meets the expected value, usually the first line exists in the header of the table data such as csv and excel.

Database Error

1.[error]: The feature class pointer cannot be null.

error cause: The feature class object pointer is empty.

solution: Check whether the input feature class data is valid.

2.[error]: The table class pointer cannot be null.

error cause: The table class object pointer is empty.

solution: Check whether the input table class data is valid.

3.[error]: Input geometry is null.

error cause: The input geometry is empty.

solution: Check whether the input point, line and surface geometric entities are valid.

4.[error]: Input spatial filter is null.

error cause: The input spatial query filter object pointer is empty.

solution: Check whether the spatial query filter is valid.

5.[error]: Input feature class is empty.

error cause: The input feature class is empty.

solution: Check if the input feature class contains at least one or more features.

Feature Class Type Error

1.[error]: The input path is invalid.

error cause: The input path is empty.

solution: Check whether the input path is correct.

2.[error]: The input feature class is invalid.

error cause: The input feature class object pointer is empty.

solution: Check whether the input feature class data is valid.

3.[error]: The format of the input data is not supported.

error cause: The format of the input data is not supported.

solution: Check whether the function supports the format of the input data.

4.[error]: The geometry type of input feature class is not supported.

error cause: The geometric type of the input feature class is not supported.

solution: Check whether the function supports the geometric type of the input feature class.

5.[error]: The option of have M-values is invalid.

error cause: The option value for 'Include M Values' is incorrect.

solution: Check if the input option value for 'Include M Values' is correct; it should be one of 0 (Unsupported), 1 (Same as Template Feature Class), or 2 (Supported).

6.[error]: The option of have M-values or Z-values is invalid.

error cause: The option value for 'Include M Values' or 'Include Z Values' is incorrect.

solution: Check if the input template dataset is empty. When the option value for 'Include Z Values' or 'Include M Values' is set to 1 (Same as Template Feature Class), a template dataset is required!

7.[error]: Create CRSTransformer failure.

error cause: Creating a CRS transformation object failed.

solution: Check if the input and output spatial reference systems are valid and recognizable.

8.[error]: Get polygon wkt failed.

error cause: The input surface elements fail to turn into wkt.

solution: Check whether there is a problem with the input elements.

9.[error]: Union fail. Union geometry is null.

error cause: The input features failed to Union.

solution: Check whether the input elements are empty or meet the requirements.

Data Insertion Failure Type

1.[error]: Failed to insert fields into fieldinfo table: failed to prepare SQL.

error cause: When the feature class saves the field information data, the SQL statement that inserts the field information fails to prepare.

solution: Check whether the gpkg data is in a locked state, and check whether there is a gpkg_fieldinfo table in gpkg.

2.[error]: Failed to insert fields into fieldinfo table: failed to bind parameters.

error cause: When the feature class saves the field information data, the preprocessing SQL statement that inserts the field information fails to bind the field information value.

solution: Check whether the gpkg data is in a locked state, and check whether there is a gpkg_fieldinfo table in gpkg.

3.[error]: Failed to insert fields into fieldinfo table: failed to execute sql step by step.

error cause: When the feature class saves the field information data, the preprocessing SQL statement that inserts the field information fails to execute step by step.

solution: Check whether the gpkg data is in a locked state, and check whether there is a gpkg_fieldinfo table in gpkg.

4.[error]: failed to prepare SQL.

error cause: The SQL statement for preparing to insert into the feature class has failed.

solution: Check whether the gpkg data is locked.

5.[error]: failed to bind parameters.

error cause: The binding of parameters to the prepared SQL statement for the feature class insertion has failed.

solution: Check whether the gpkg data is locked, check whether the field value of the inserted element has an invalid value, and check whether the field is set to a non-empty inserted field value but empty.

6.[error]: failed to execute sql step by step.

error cause: The feature class failed to perform insert preprocessing SQL statements.

solution: Check whether the gpkg data is in a locked state, whether the field name of the feature class has illegal symbols, and whether the field name of the feature class may be repeated with the id name.

7.[error]: non same fields object.

error cause: The input feature field set and the feature class field set are not the same object.

solution: Check whether the inserted feature field set object and the feature class field set are the same.

Add Field Failure Type

1.[error]: failed to execute sql.

error cause: The sql statement for adding a field to the feature class has failed to execute.

solution: Check whether the field name is repeated with the feature class, and check whether the field name and alias have illegal characters.

Cursor Construction Failure Type

1.[error]: failed to prepare SQL.

error cause: The SQL statement preparation for constructing the cursor failed.

solution: Check whether the conditional filtering statement is legitimate.

Raster Error

1.[error]: Raster band index list exception.

error cause: Raster band index parameter exception.

solution: Check whether the incoming index number is in a valid range, usually the raster data set contains one or more bands.

2.[error]: Failed to create GCPtransformer based on input parameters.

error cause: Failed to create GCP transformation object based on input parameters.

solution: Check the number of input parameter GCP point pairs, whether the GCP point pair list and polynomial degree are valid.

3.[error]: The value of NoData conversion to double type failed.

error cause: The conversion of NoData data into dual-precision data failed.

solution: Check whether the input 'NoData 'value is valid.

4.[error]: The raster file is probably corrupted or too large.

error cause: The raster file is too large or damaged.

solution: Check whether the raster file is too large, too large to cut. If the file is damaged, check whether other software can open the file normally, and whether the data is normal.

5.[error]: Raster Identitor doesn't support xx bands. Must be 1/2/3... .

Attempt to create Raster dataset with an illegal data type , only Byte/eight/... bit supported by the format.

JPEG Identitor doesn't support data type. Only eight bit byte bands supported.

error cause: Each raster format supports different numbers of bands and data types.

solution: Check whether the output raster format supports the corresponding number of bands and data types. If not, the output format needs to be replaced, such as tif and img.

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