Tunnel Measurement Section Calculation

Function Description: Calculate road-related measurement data, attributes, and comparisons between two sections.

To generate a clean ground surface without other noise points, you can perform point cloud classification first.

Prerequisite: Click the Road Section button to enter the road section calculation process. The measurement section and export related functions will be activated, and a 2D section display box will pop up.

Only when the road section is activated can the subsequent calculation buttons be used. During the activation of the road section, the directory cannot be used to switch projects or to add, delete, or modify design data.

Calculate Measurement Data

Function Description: Generate measurement data that meets parameter requirements and aligns with the ground point cloud based on design data and point clouds.
  1. Click the Calculate Measurement Data button to bring up the settings dialog box.

Calculate Measurement Data

Parameter Description

  • Measurement Group: Select the group of measurement data to calculate.
  • Maximum Edge Length: Edges longer than this threshold will be split into shorter edges.
  • Section Thickness: Width of the point cloud data used to generate the measurement longitudinal section.
  • General
    • From Class: Point cloud categories involved in generating the section; selecting the correct source category is critical since an incorrect selection may lead to incorrect results.

Result Example:


Result Example

The red line represents the generated measurement section, and the results are calculated automatically. If the results do not meet expectations, manual editing can be performed using the 2D cross-section editor.

Note: Currently, tunnel sections only support geometric calculations and exporting sections. For more details, please refer to the road section documentation.

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