Clearance Analysis Data Manager

Function Description: Used for the display and management of clearance analysis results, it is divided into a result list and a message information table for each result.


  • Import: Import the clearance analysis results.
  • Settings: Provide settings related to drawing.

Results List

Each clearance analysis result is displayed as a record in the list, showing the number, time, and baseline type information.

Right-click on any analysis record to open the menu.

  • Delete: Delete this record.

  • Zoom: Zoom to the analysis path.

  • Plot: Draw analysis results, including each dangerous cluster ID and the shortest distance from the cluster to the path.

  • Clear Plot: Clear all drawing results.

  • Export Analysis: Export the current record to a text file.

  • Export Report: Export the current record to a report.

Detailed Information

Provide a display of path basic information, dangerous points and dangerous vector lines.

  • Information: Including analysis time, analysis settings and other basic parameters.
  • Dangerous Points: Dangerous point clusters, including location, category, distance and other information.
  • Dangerous Vector Lines: Including location, class, distance and other information.

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