
Function Description: Vertex encryption for vectors.

Note: The encryption operation performed by this function is conducted on the line segments formed by two consecutive points on the vector.


  1. Click the Encrypt button in vector editing.
  2. A Settings Dialog will pop up.
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Settings Dialog

Parameter Description:

  • Fixed Distance: Encrypts within the segment at a fixed distance.

    • Distance: The interval at which points are encrypted.
  • Equal Division: Encrypts by dividing proportionally within the segment.

    • Segments: The number of segments the current line segment is divided into; for example, if divided into 2 segments, an interpolation point will be inserted in the middle of the segment.
  • Uniform Interpolation: Encrypts by same length.

    • Interpolation length: The interval at which points are encrypted.

    The method has curve fitting, and the interpolation result is different from the original line.

  • Segment: The range of encryption; taking line vectors as an example, two connected vertices form one segment. If "Segment" mode is selected, encryption occurs only in the segment where the mouse is located.

  • Whole Line: The range of encryption; taking line vectors as an example, two connected vertices form one segment. If "Whole Line" mode is selected, encryption will occur for all segments of the line.

  • Move the mouse to the segment or line vector that needs encryption, and a real-time preview of the encrypted result will be displayed.

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Result Preview

  1. Left-click on the vector to select it and save the result.

Encryption Result

results matching ""

    No results matching ""