Facade Move Rotate
1.Activate Facade Move Rotate , box select the elements that need to be fine-tuned with the left click to adjust the movement and perform rotation compensation.

2.Use the up, down, left and right keys on the keyboard to fine tune the position, Q(q) /R(r) to rotate counterclockwise / clockwise, and press "Enter" to lock after adjustment:

3.After adjustment, the changes are shown in the figure below:

Copy Vector
1.Click "Copy Vector" button in Editing activate the copy vector function.
2.Press and hold the left mouse button, box select one or several objects to be copied, and then click “Enter”.
3.You will see that the selected objects have been grouped together and moved with the mouse.
4.Then move the mouse to the location where you want to copy, and click the left mouse button to complete the copy process. The left mouse button can always be used to click and place.
5.After all copies are completed, right-click to exit copying.