Facade Survey Module FAQ

Tectonic line collection

1.[Warning] "Only support polygon layer."

  • Reason: Tectonic line collection is only applicable to polygon layers.
  • Solution: Select the polygon layer in the directory tree.

Draw Base Line

1.[Warning] "Need a baseline layer !"

  • Reason: No layer are currently selected.
  • Solution: Click on the baseline layer in the directory tree.

2.[Warning] "Invalid layer "

  • Reason: The current layer is not a vector layer.
  • Solution: Select the vector layer.

3.[Warning] "Current layer is not a custom layer"

  • Reason: The baseline layer can only be converted by a custom layer, and the inherent layer is currently selected.
  • Solution: Select a custom layer.

4.[Warning] "Current layer is not a polygon layer"

  • Reason: The custom layer selected is not a polygon layer.
  • Solution: Select the polygon layer.

5.[Warning] "Current vector layer is not empty"

  • Reason: The current layer to be converted is not empty, and the vectors in the current layer will be exported according to the baseline during subsequent export.
  • Solution: Create a new custom polygon layer.

6.[Warning] "Base line need a horizontal reference plane !"

  • Reason: Baseline collection requires setting a horizontal reference plane.
  • Solution: Activate the horizontal section function to set the reference plane.

Draw Boundary Line

1.[Warning] "Buffer width shall not greater than 100m or smaller than 0.1m!"

  • Reason: Buffer width should be between 0.1 units (meters) and 100 units.
  • Solution: Adjust the width to fit.

2.[Warning] "Base line is not valid."

  • Reason: The number of points of the range line generated by the baseline is inconsistent after the offset operation, which means that the number of facades is incorrect.
  • Solution: Adjust the width to prevent the crossing edges from disappearing.

3.[Warning] "Create boundary line layer failed !"

  • Reason: There is only one range line layer for a single project with a fixed name. There is currently no layer with that name but creation failed.
  • Solution: The reason is unknown.

4.[Warning] "FacadeBoundaryLine is not a boundray line layer !"

  • Reason: A layer with the name "FacadeBoundaryLine" already exists, but it is not a scope lines layer.
  • Solution: Rename an existing vector layer.

Facade Move Rotate

1.[Warning] "Need a facade surface !"

  • Reason: A facade surface is required for facade movement vectors.
  • Solution: First construct a facade using Line Facade.

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