Main Window Introduction


After clicking 'Start', SLAM processing will execute automatically.

2.Mode Selection

Different modes correspond to different scenarios and collection platforms. Generally, the default is set to general.


Includes DGNSS, SLAM, GCP optimization, etc.

DGNSS is PPK (Post-Processed Kinematic);

SLAM is for SLAM data processing;

GCP optimization uses the absolute coordinates from GCP collection to provide absolute position coordinates for the point cloud. Generally, this is performed after the SLAM processing is completed and the point cloud is obtained.

The selection of DGNSS,SLAM,output during processing is automatically determined by the data conditions.


The steps in the output are automatically selected based on the data conditions; if a step is not needed, it can be unchecked.

Filter is used for denoising and smoothing the point cloud;

Colorize is the process of assigning colors to the point cloud, giving it RGB values;

Classify involves using deep learning algorithms for ground, vegetation, and power line extraction;

Classification requires you to have MLS platform license.


Includes GNSS report (PPK) and accuracy check report;


You can organize or open the current SLAM processing project as an MLS mapping project with one click.

7.Update Calibration

Output IMCAB.T file to the Result folder.


Control the display of the interface, including settings, trajectory, tasks, registration, etc.;

9.3D Window

Three-dimensional display of point clouds, trajectories, image positions, etc.

10.Panorama Window

Display panoramic images and point clouds.

11.Import, New Project Window

Supports importing previous projects, creating new projects, or importing 3D point clouds.

12.Project List

Can control the display, data export, and individual close-loop adjustment of multiple processing projects, as well as the data merging of multiple projects.

13.Settings Window

Settings can be configured for DGNSS, SLAM parameters, and output parameters.

14.Output Window

Intermediate LOG output during the data processing process.

15.Data Display Settings

Set the display mode of the data (color, intensity, elevation), as well as quick view switching (frontal view, bottom view, side view), etc.

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