Dialog Setting

Function Description: The Dialog Setting is allows the user to set parameters for running the function of panorama measurements.

1.Click Setting to pop up the dialog box:

Parameters Description

  • Interpolation Method: This function is set by default. It is available to select the complex interpolation algorithm when using the function of Panorama Measurements based on Panorama Measurements Based on Point Cloud Depth Interpolation. If this function is unselected, nearest neighbor algorithm is used to calculate the point location information.

  • Interpolation Parameters: This is the windows radius to be used when running interpolation algorithm. For example, when the windows radius is N, all the depth value around the measured points in the square area whose length value is 2N + 1 (the unit is pixel) will be read. If the point density is not high and measurements can not perform with default windows radius, users can increase the value of windows radius.

  • Intersection Parameters: This is the assumed depth of measured points. It is recommended in the second frame image when using the function of Panorama Measurements Based on Forward Intersection.

  • Display Settings: In the display settings, you can configure the visibility of exposure points, the shape of exposure points, the display radius of exposure points, and whether to show the field of view and models. You can also set the view direction, heading angle, and camera height.

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