Line Intersection

Function Description: The line intersection functionality allows for the splitting of lines at the positions where they intersect. Intersection points can occur at specific locations or at implicit intersection points along one or two extending lines.


1.Clicking the Line Intersectionbutton in vector editing switches the viewer to 2D mode, disabling the roaming function for dragging and rotating.

2.Left-click with the mouse sequentially on the two lines that require intersection operations.

3.When the two lines have only one intersection point, the intersection operation will be executed immediately. If the intersection point lies on the line, the line object will be split into two lines at the intersection point. If the intersection point lies on the extension of the line, the line object will be extended to the intersection point. See the illustration below:

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Before and after the intersection

4.When there are multiple intersection points between two lines, the intersection operation will not be executed immediately. Instead, a preview of one of the intersection scenarios will be displayed. Moving the mouse over other segments of the line object will display previews of the intersection after applying the operation to those segments as well if they intersect. Once you confirm the desired intersection operation preview, click the left mouse button to execute the intersection operation.

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Before and after the intersection

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Before and after the intersection

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