MLS Data Georeferencing

Function Description: Implement one-click, streamlined processing and handling of trajectory, point cloud, and image data collected by LiMobile


1.Control the data processing workflow by selecting the appropriate processing steps. The software supports the following steps:

  • POS Process: Post-process the raw POS files to obtain high-precision POS data. This step will automatically include a base station check. If the user is importing POS data from an external source, this step can be skipped.

  • Georeference: Process the raw point cloud data to obtain high-precision point clouds with accurate geographic coordinates. If Panorama Parsing is selected in the settings, the software will simultaneously process panorama photos. The original *.pgr format data will be converted to *.jpg files, and a panorama camera file (ladybug_caminfo.txt) will be generated.

  • Strip Adjust: Supports internal adjustment of point cloud revisited areas within a single project; supports adjustment across multiple projects to reduce layering errors in revisited areas; and allows for the inclusion of control points in the adjustment process. This step will regenerate point cloud, trajectory, and image data. In addition, the process is available in both "Single" and "Multi" modes.

    Directory Tree - Strip Adjustment

    Directory Tree - Strip Adjustment

    • Single: Each checked scan is an independent registration group, and the internal registration of a single tscan is carried out during processing.

    • Multi: All the checked scans are combined into a registration group, and the registration between scans is carried out during processing. This mode requires overlap between scans, otherwise it will fail.

Note: Trajectory generation must be completed before point cloud processing. Therefore, after selecting Trajectory Processing, the Processing button will be activated; after selecting Processing, the Strip Adjustment button will be activated.

2.In the directory tree, select the .liscan project you want to process, and click the Startbutton. The software interface will automatically open the *Batch Processing - Project List window and begin executing the selected processing steps.

Batch Processing - Project List Window

Batch Processing - Project List Window

Users can click the log button on the right side of the dialog to view the data processing status for the trajectory processing and other processing steps.

3.After the selected processing steps are successfully completed, click the Close button to close the Batch Processing - Project List window. The software's main interface will load and display the processed data.

If the user needs to stop the processing during execution, they can click the Abort button in the Batch Processing - Project List window. The currently executing step will then be marked as failed.

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