Convert Features to 3D by Attribute

Function Description: Create 3D features using height values obtained from the attributes of the input features.

Data Description

  • Supports point, multipoint, line, and polygon geometries.
  • Elevation for each feature is obtained from values in the specified height field. Line features can also provide a second height field. Using two height fields allows each line feature to start at the Z value obtained from the first height field and end at the Z value from the second height field. The height of all intermediate vertices will be interpolated based on the slope of the line connecting the two endpoints.


1.Find the Convert Features to 3D by Attribute tool in the toolbox and double-click to open the tool's window.


Convert Features to 3D by Attribute

Parameter Description:

  • Input Features: The features used to create 3D features.
  • Height Field: The field whose values are used to define the height of the generated 3D features.
  • To Height Field (optional): An optional second height field for lines. If two height fields are used, the start of each line uses the height from the first field, and the end uses the height from the second field (creating a slope).
  • Output Feature Class: The resulting feature class.
  • Add Result to Project: This option is only applicable if the output feature class is saved to a geodatabase within the current project. When checked, it will automatically create a layer for the result data and add it to the project.

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