Vehicle Passability Analysis
Please note that it is necessary to construct the road TIN and input vehicle size information in advance.
1.Click on the Vehicle Passability Analysis button in the road surface panel.
2.The Vehicle Passability Analysis Dialog pops up:
Vehicle Passability Analysis Dialog - Track Selection
Vehicle Passability Analysis Dialog - Vehicle Size Selection
Parameter Description:
- Select Trajectory: Select a trajectory to simulate the vehicle's state within its range.
Note: To ensure the accuracy of the simulation, please select a continuous trajectory without U-turns when choosing the trajectory.
Trajectory Selection - Selecting the Start of the Trajectory Segment
Vehicle: Select or design the vehicle model needed for simulation.
Main: The head of the tractor or other integrated vehicle body.
Trailer: The carriage of the tractor.
For passenger vehicle-style integrated vehicles, the carriage should be set to empty.
- Vehicle Designer: Design custom vehicles based on actual parameters, for details, please see Vehicle Designer.
Passability Analysis: Perform analysis based on set parameters.
Load Existing Simulation, Save: The path simulation of the vehicle in a single analysis can be stored as an independent simulation file. This file can be reloaded for vehicle simulation.
3.Trajectory Selection
Left-click to select the starting point of the trajectory segment:
Trajectory Selection
Left-click to select the endpoint of the trajectory segment:
Trajectory Selection
4.Select the vehicle model.
5.Automatic analysis.
6.Result Viewing: Drag the mouse along the selected trajectory segment to see the wireframe model of the vehicle and the vehicle state at the nearest trajectory point currently pointed to by the mouse. At the same time, if the vehicle collides with the point cloud, the wireframe model of the vehicle will be marked in red, and the collision points will be saved in the Addition Attribute Cycle.
Vehicle Posture at Non-Collision Position 1
Vehicle Posture at Non-Collision Position 2
Collision Position
Problem Point Cloud and Vehicle Posture at Collision Position
Problem Point Cloud and Vehicle Posture at Collision Position
7.Save Simulation Result: Click the save button to record the vehicle simulation process of this analysis as an independent file (.simulation).
Note: The simulation result only records the vehicle posture, not the collision point cloud.
Problem Point Cloud and Vehicle Posture at Collision Position
8.Load existing simulation files.
Note: The simulation result only records the vehicle posture, not the collision point cloud.