Orthophoto Generation from images

Function Description: Generates orthophotos based on point clouds or images, supporting both panoramic cameras and planar cameras.


  1. Click on the Road Analysis >> Orthophoto >> Generate Orthophoto from Photos button in the toolbox, and the following function dialog box will appear:


    Orthophoto Generation from images

  2. Set the tiling, orthoimage parameters, and output directory, then click "OK" to run.


  • Tiles: Determine the area for generating orthophotos by selecting tiles and boundaries.

    • Pick Tiles: When activated, you can select the tile polygons generated by Place Tile Array or any arbitrary polygons in the 3D view. Clicking on Clear will clear the selected tiles.

    • Pick Boundaries: When activated, you can select polygons in the 3D view to serve as the orthoimage boundary, and pixels outside the boundary will be set to the background color. Clicking on Clear will clear the selected boundary.

  • Colorizing: Used for settings related to color assignment parameters.

    • Class: Select the point cloud categories to be used for generating orthophotos.

    • Cameras: Select the camera used for color assignment, supporting both panoramic and planar cameras.

    • Mask: Only available when Panoramic is selected in Camera, it is used for setting the mask file.

  • Output Format: Set the pixel size, background color, and output file format.

    • Pixel Size: The physical size represented by a single pixel.

    • Background(Red|Green|Blue): Set the background color for the orthoimage, with a range of 0 to 255.

    • Format: Supports two photo formats: GeoTIFF and JPG.

    • Create World File: If checked, a world file with the same name will be generated in the output directory (the world file format for GeoTIFF is .tfw, and for JPG it is .jpw), which is used to determine the world coordinates of the image.

    • Write Projection: Only available for GeoTIFF format output, it will write out the project coordinate system.

  • Name: Set the file name for the output orthoimage.

    • Type: There are two options: By Order and Using Tile Number.

      • By Order: The name will adopt the format "Prefix + Sequential ID (starting from 1)".

      • Use Tile Number: The tile's numbering will be used as the file name. If the tile does not have a number, the sequential mode will be used as the file name instead.

    • Prefix: Only available when the Type is selected as By Order.

  • Ouput Directory: Select the directory for generating orthophoto.

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