
Function Description:Provides individual timber position, crown diameter calculation type, DBH fitting method, single timber parameter calculation, and forestry rendering settings. The setting is effective for single wood measurement, single wood editing, parameter calculation, and parameter measurement.


1.Click the Settings OpenPointCloud button in the Urban Forestry page under the Tree Editor group. A dialog box will appear as shown below.


2.Set the relevant parameters and click OK to take effect.

Parameter Settings

  • Parameters: Contains settings for individual timber positions, crown diameter calculation types, and DBH fitting methods.

    • Crown Diameter Type: Provide three options for crown radius calculation: Average Crown Radius, Circle Fitting and Ellipse Fitting.

      • Average: (North-South Crown Radius + East-West Crown Radius) / 2.

      • Circle: 2 * sqrt(Crown Projection Area / PI).

      • Ellipse: sqrt(North-South Crown Radius * East-West Crown Radius).

    • DBH Fit Method: Provide two options for DBH fitting: Circle Fitting and Ellipse Fitting.

      • Circle: Fit a circle to the point cloud at a height of 1.3 meters on the tree trunk.

      • Ellipse: Fit an ellipse to the point cloud at a height of 1.3 meters on the tree trunk.

      • Cylinder: Perform cylinder fitting on the sliced point cloud at the set DBH (Diameter at Breast Height) tree trunk height.

    • DBH Height: Customize the DBH (Diameter at Breast Height) height according to your specific requirements.

    • DBH Mininum: Trees with DBH less than this value in the Segmentation will be filtered.

    • DBH Maximum: Trees with DBH greaterA than this value in the Segmentation will be filtered.

  • Calculation: Controls whether the parameters in Calculate Tree Parameter participate in the calculation.

  • Forest Render: Controls the visibility of DBH, CD, and Height in the 3D view.

    • DBH: This is a vector circle with the center of the DBH fitting as the center of the circle and the DBH as the diameter.

    • CD: This is a vector circle with the center of the DBH fitting as the center and the CD as the diameter.

    • Height:This is a vector perpendicularity with the seed point as the base point and the tree height as the length.

Note: The plane coordinates of the seed point are consistent with the coordinates of the center plane of the DBH.

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