Points to Line

Function Description: Creates line features based on points.

Data Description

Input and Output Relationships


Input and Output Relationships for Points to Line


  • Only lines with two or more vertices will be written to the output.


Find the Points To Line tool in the toolbox and double-click to open the tool's dialog.


Points to Line

Parameter Description:

  • Input Features: Point features to be converted into lines.
  • Line Field (Optional): Field used to identify unique attribute values. Points with unique attribute values will be merged to form output line features.
  • Sort Field (Optional): Field used to sort the points. By default, points used to create each output line feature are processed in the order they are found.
  • Close Line (Optional): Specifies whether the output line features should be closed.
    • Checked: Additional vertices will be added to ensure the end point of each output line feature matches the start point.
    • Unchecked: No additional vertices will be added to close the output line features. This is the default setting.
  • Output Feature Class: Line feature class created from the input points.
  • Add Result to Project: This option is only effective when the output feature class result is saved to a geodatabase within the project. When checked, a layer will be automatically built for the result data and added to the project.

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