Assign Color To Points

Function Description: It is used to manually modify the color of the point cloud, including fixed color, mixed color, and automatic intensity.


  1. In the Toolbox, select Data Management >> Point Cloud Tools >> Assign Color To Points, or directly enter Assign Color To Points in the search bar, and double-click to display the interface as follows:

  2. Set the classes where the target point cloud is located;

  3. Check Selection to activate the selection tool, which provides general selection tools for polygons, rectangles, spheres, etc. Unchecked Subtract Indicates additional selection. Clear is used to clear all selections.

  4. Set the point cloud mode, there are three modes: Constant, Mixture, and Intensity Auto, which are introduced below:

    • Constant: There are three control tools: RGB input box, preview color block, and dot color eyedropper, which are used to specify a fixed color. You can set the color by entering the RGB value, clicking the preview color block to select the color, and selecting the color of a point in the 3D view with the point color eyedropper.

    • Mixtrue: Click on the preview color swatch to activate the Color Mixture pop-up window as follows. Generate random colors by setting a set of HSV and deviation values. where H stands for hue and values range from 0 to 359. S stands for saturation and values range from 0 to 255. V stands for brightness and values range from 0 to 255. Click OK to complete the color mixing result.

    • Intensity Auto: This mode requires the point cloud to have intensity information. The intensity value is automatically mapped and filled into the RGB attribute, and the value is the same for each color channel.

    • Intensity Custom: The pattern requires point cloud data to have intensity information, and users can manually define the intensity stretching range. The default value is the parameters adopted in the Intensity Auto mode.


      Note: Although the interface provides a setting range of 0 to 255, for data ranging from 0 to 65535, the program will automatically map it to 0 to 65535.

- **Closest Colored Point**: Used to recolor uncolored points (pure white points) by assigning the color of the nearest colored point.

    - **Search Radius**: Neighborhood search radius.
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<img src="../../../images/PointCloudTools/PointCloud/NearestColoredPoint.png" alt="OpenPointCloud" width="400">

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