Split and Merge Polygon
Note: Only the polygon objects under the road surface layer are supported
1.Click Split and Merge Polygon button in the Vector Editor, the operation mode selection dialog box will pop up.
The pop-up window selects the current operation as cutting or merging
Parameter Description:
- SplitPolygon: Split mode.
- MergePolygon: Merge mode.
Split Polygon
1) Left click to select the polygon to be split, and the polygon will be highlighted in blue.
2) Right click two key points to form a cutting line, as shown by the white line in the figure below, to complete the cutting of the polygon.
Note: The cutting line needs to intersect the two sides of the polygon.
Draw cutting line
Cutting result
3.Left click on the two polygons intended to be merged to select, and complete the merging of the polygons.
Note: The polygons that need to be merged need to have intersections.
The two polygons before the merge
Merge result