The elevation mode is an auxiliary function in vector editing used to select between scene elevation mode, fixed elevation mode, or contour elevation mode.
Function Overview
Real Z: During vector drawing and editing, uses the elevation captured from the results.
Constant Z: The elevation captured from points during vector drawing and editing will ultimately use the elevation of the transparent surface. The elevation of the transparent surface can be set by selecting points in the scene or manually inputting them.
Contour Z: During node addition and shaping processes, uses the starting point elevation of the selected vector to ensure consistency in elevation during contour editing.
Note: During contour editing, it is essential to switch to contour elevation mode.
Parameter Settings
Height Source: The reference plane is the horizontal plane, effective only in fixed elevation mode, supporting various sources for height:
User Defined: Allows users to set a custom height value. You can manually input the height in the plane height editing box or click the height selection button on the right. Right-click in the scene to select a reference height point, and left-click to exit height selection.
Min z: Uses the minimum Z value of the point cloud as the height value.
Middle z: Uses the intermediate Z value of the point cloud as the height value.
Max z: Uses the maximum Z value of the point cloud as the height value.
Filter Center: Uses the center position value set in the ElevationFilter as the reference plane's height value.
- Plane Height: Displays the current set plane height.