Triangulation Modeling(Poisson)

Functional Overview

Triangulation Modeling(Poisson) is used to generate a 3D model file in .obj format using point clouds. Prior to running this function, Tunnel Normal Computation must be performed on the point cloud. Set parameters and preview results in the window on the right-hand side of the screen. Adjust density parameters for optimal results before saving.


Click Mine > Tunnel > Triangulation Modeling(Poisson).

Tunnel Mesh Recon Poisson

Parameters Settings

  • Point Cloud File: Input one or more point cloud data files. File format: *.LiData.

  • Every Node Sample (default "1.5"): The minimum number of points retained in each node after octree reconstruction is used to weaken noise interference with reconstruction results. A larger value provides greater noise resistance but ignores more details; set between 1.0 and 5.0 for small amounts of noisy point clouds, and between 15 and 20 for large amounts.

  • Point Weight (default "2.0"): The weight of interpolated points in the Poisson implicit equation determines how closely the reconstructed implicit triangular mesh surface matches the original point cloud.

  • Resolution (default "0.4"): The resolution of the reconstructed implicit triangular mesh surface determines its density; higher resolutions result in denser meshes that preserve more detail, while lower resolutions produce sparser meshes.

  • Density: After reconstruction, adjust this parameter during preview generation to confirm final reconstruction results.

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