Geoid Model

When performing coordinate transformation in the projection library, vertical coordinate system transformation and grid projection need to provide vertical datum grid data for effective transformation. EGM2008 geoid model elevation conversion is provided by default in the software. If you need to support other regional geoid models, you need to download the corresponding grid data files. The grid files are provided by the official PROJ library, which can be downloaded here proj-data-1.8, or on the official website https :// to download the latest version of proj-data. After downloading, unzip the file to the geoid folder in the software installation directory, the default is C:\Program Files\GreenValley Suite\LiDAR360\\geoid, "" is the version number, and there will be differences between different versions.

Supported Geoid Model

Geoid Model Vertical coordinate system
GEOID99 NAVD88 height - EPSG:5703
NAVD88 height (ft) - EPSG:8228
NAVD88 height (ftUS) - EPSG:6360
GEOID03 NAVD88 height - EPSG:5703
NAVD88 height (ft) - EPSG:8228
NAVD88 height (ftUS) - EPSG:6360
GEOID06 NAVD88 height - EPSG:5703
NAVD88 height (ft) - EPSG:8228
NAVD88 height (ftUS) - EPSG:6360
GEOID09 NAVD88 height - EPSG:5703
NAVD88 height (ft) - EPSG:8228
NAVD88 height (ftUS) - EPSG:6360
GEOID12A NAVD88 height - EPSG:5703
NAVD88 height (ft) - EPSG:8228
NAVD88 height (ftUS) - EPSG:6360
NMVD03 height - EPSG:6640
PRVD02 height - EPSG:6641
VIVD09 height - EPSG:6642
ASVD02 height - EPSG:6643
GUVD04 height - EPSG:6644
GEOID12B NAVD88 height - EPSG:5703
NAVD88 height (ft) - EPSG:8228
NAVD88 height (ftUS) - EPSG:6360
NMVD03 height - EPSG:6640
PRVD02 height - EPSG:6641
VIVD09 height - EPSG:6642
ASVD02 height - EPSG:6643
GUVD04 height - EPSG:6644
GEOID18 NAVD88 height - EPSG:5703
NAVD88 height (ft) - EPSG:8228
NAVD88 height (ftUS) - EPSG:6360
PRVD02 height - EPSG:6641
VIVD09 height - EPSG:6642
GGM10 NAVD88 height - EPSG:5703
NAVD88 height (ft) - EPSG:8228
NAVD88 height (ftUS) - EPSG:6360
OSGM15 Belfast height - EPSG:5732
Douglas height - EPSG:5750
Lerwick height - EPSG:5742
Malin Head height - EPSG:5731
ODN (Offshore) height - EPSG:7707
ODN height - EPSG:5701
ODN Orkney height - EPSG:5740
St. Marys height - EPSG:5749
Stornoway height - EPSG:5746
EGM96 EGM96 height - EPSG:5773
EGM2008 EGM2008 height - EPSG:3855
MSL height - EPSG:5714
GSIGEO2001 JGD2011 (vertical) height - EPSG:6695

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