Extract CBH

Functional Overview

CBH (Crown base height) refers to the vertical height of a tree from the ground surface to the lowest branch point of the tree crown. CBH, also known as crown under height, is the height below the first level of stem, and in practice often refers to the height below the branches of the first main branch that forms the crown of the standing tree. Because of the difference of the genetic characteristics of each tree species, CBH is different. This function takes the individual tree attribute file and point cloud as input to calculate CBH and volume of the tree, and adds the calculation results to the end column of the individual tree attribute file.


Click TLS Forest> Extract CBH.

CBH Extraction

Parameters Settings

  • Input data: The input data must be normalized point cloud data. For normalization method, please refer to normalization or normalization according to ground points. The input file can be a single data file or a point cloud data set.

  • Individual Tree Attribute File: The input data is the single-wood attribute file of the corresponding point cloud. It is a comma-separated CSV table and must contain at least two fields: TreeLocationX and TreeLocationY. For details about the file format, see the format of TLS individual tree segmentation result file.

  • Calculate stem volume from Bottom to: If selected, calculate the volume of the tree trunk.

    • CBH: Calculate stem volume to a point below the first branch.
    • Tree top: Calculate stem volume to the top of the tree.
  • Calculate stem volume: When this option is selected, the calculation result of StemVolume will be added to the end column. If this column already exists, it will be overwritten.

Note: After running, CBH calculation results will be added to the end column. If this column already exists, it will be overwritten.

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