Annual Insolation

Function Overview

Annual Insolation is used to estimate the annual solar radiation within a specific area. It samples time points throughout a year according to specified parameters, calculates insolation for each sampling time (day), and outputs a multiband dataset recording insolation values for each time sample. This can be used to assess trends in annual solar radiation for the area.

LiDAR360 Terrain


Click on Terrain > Annual Insolation.

LiDAR360 Terrain

Parameter Settings

  • Input DEM File: Input Digital Elevation Model (DEM) file. Refer to DEM Generation for methods of generating DEM.
  • Number of Steps: Number of sampling days in the current year.
  • Units: Specifies the unit of output insolation.
  • Hour Interval: Time interval for calculating solar radiation on the sampling day.
  • Year: Specifies the year for calculation.
  • Output Path: Path to output the multiband TIF dataset.

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