Functional Overview
The right-click menu for trajectory data in the layer management tree mainly includes importing and removing trajectory data, as well as operations such as displaying information, renaming, zooming to the layer, opening the containing folder, and removing individual trajectory data.
Right-Click Menu for Data Types
Import Data: LiDAR360 supports trajectory data formats including *.out, *.pos, *.traj etc., where *.pos and *.traj are software-defined custom trajectory data formats.
Remove All: Remove all trajectory data from the software.
Right-Click Menu for Individual Trajectory Data
Information: View basic information about a trajectory including start time, end time, maximum/minimum longitude and latitude values and maximum/minimum height values.
Open Containing Folder: This function opens the directory where the file is located.
Rename: Rename selected files.
Zoom to Layer: Calculate bounding box of current track data and display all windows that open this dataset globally within this bounding box range.
Remove: Remove selected track data from software.