Clear Tree ID


After the point cloud has been segmented, the tree ID information is stored in a LiData file. If the segmented point cloud data needs to be segmented again, users need to clear the tree ID first.


Navigate to TLS Forest > Clear Tree ID.

Clear TreeID

Select the point cloud data to be processed, and then click "OK".


  • Filter by Height: Determines whether to filter by height. If this option is checked, it will clear the tree ID information for points between the minimum and maximum heights. If unchecked, it will clear the tree ID information for all points.
  • Min Height (default "0"): The minimum elevation for clearing tree IDs.
  • Max Height (default "1"): The maximum elevation for clearing tree ID.

Extract Points by Range/CSV File

  • Extract by Range/CSV File: Extract point clouds within the selected treeID range. The range for treeID can be entered manually or read from a single-tree attribute file.
  • Extract to One/Multiple Files: Export the point cloud to a single file, with file formats including CSV, LAS, and LiData. The exported information includes X, Y, Z coordinates, tree ID, and other attribute information.
  • Output Path: The storage path for the point cloud extracted by tree ID.

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