Extract Building Footprint from Image


This function uses deep learning to extract building footprint from images. The input file must be a DOM (digital orthophoto image) or a three-channel color image produced by aerial photography, such as an orthophoto image. It cannot be a single-channel image such as DEM or DSM. The output is a gpkg vector file containing multiple building footprints.


Click on 3D Building > Extract Building Footprint from Image.

Extract Building Outlines


  • Select file list:Select image data either from already opened software or from a folder. Currently supported formats include tif, tiff, jpg, jpeg, and png.
  • Simplify(default“Yes”):When simplification is checked, the building outline will be streamlined to some extent, eliminating the jagged edges in the original outline.
  • Regularization(default“Yes”):Whether to perform regularization on the generated building outline. After regularization, the angle between any two adjacent sides of the building outline will not exceed the angle threshold.
    • Angle Threshold(default“10”):Line segments with angles smaller than this threshold will be merged into a straight line.
  • Delete(default“10”) :If checked, contours with an area smaller than this value will be deleted.
  • Output Path :The path where the output contour vector file will be saved.


High-resolution imagery (10-25 cm) with 8-bit depth and at least three bands.

Model Architecture

The model is built on the YOLO v8 architecture from the Ultralytics package.

Accuracy Metrics

The model achieves a mean Average Precision (mAP) of 77%.

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