Entity Selection
Select vectorized entity features, including options for selection, select all, deselect all, select entities, window selection, select intersecting entities, select layer, and invert selection.
Default selection mode allows you to select and modify entities.
(Optional) Single-click to Select Entity: Left-click to select an entity and clear previous selection state. Holding the left Shift key allows you to add to the selection.
(Optional) Rectangle Window Selection: Left-click to interactively click the top-left and bottom-right corners of a rectangle. Entities completely within this rectangle will be selected. Holding the left Ctrl key will deselect entities within this rectangle. By default, this will clear previous selections; holding the left Shift key allows you to add to the selection.
(Optional) Rectangle Window Selection: Left-click to interactively click the bottom-right and top-left corners of a rectangle. Entities partially or fully within this rectangle will be selected. Holding the left Ctrl key will deselect entities within this rectangle. By default, this will clear previous selections; holding the left Shift key allows you to add to the selection.
(Optional) Modify Entity Vertex: Click on a vertex of the selected object and drag to move and modify the position of that point. Only the X and Y coordinates of the point can be modified.
(Optional) Modify Entities: Press the M key, left-click to select the first reference point, and drag to move and modify the position of all selected entities. Only the X and Y coordinates of the objects can be modified.
Select All
Select all entities in the scene.
Deselect All
Deselect all entities in the scene.
Select Layer
Left-click on an entity to select all entities in the layer that the entity belongs to.
Invert Selection
Invert the current selection state: selected entities become deselected, and deselected entities become selected.