Adjust Point Cloud Colors
Feature Description
By selecting the point cloud, determining the input color and output color, the colors of points that meet the similarity and category criteria can be modified.
Selection Tools
Polygon Selection
Draw a polygon by clicking the left mouse button, double-click to confirm the point cloud area to be modified.
Circular Selection
Click the left mouse button to determine the center of the circle, move the mouse to set the radius, double-click to confirm the point cloud area to be modified.
Rectangular Selection
Click the left mouse button to determine the starting point of the rectangle, move the mouse, and double-click to confirm the point cloud area to be modified.
Add Area
Confirm the point cloud area whose color needs to be modified.
Clear Area
Clear the point cloud area whose color needs to be modified, and redefine the range of the point cloud to be modified.
Input Color
Click on the point cloud with the mouse to get the color of the point cloud as the input color, or select the color through the color panel as the input color.
Input Color Similarity Threshold
The colors of points that are within the similarity threshold of the input color will be modified.
Output Color
Click on the point cloud with the mouse to get the color of the point cloud as the output color, or select the color through the color panel as the output color.
Undo the last color modification.
Redo the last color modification.
Only the point cloud that meets the category criteria will have its color modified.
Change the colors of the point cloud within the area that meets the category and color threshold to the output color.
Save the modified colors to a file.